!DOCTYPE html> ABES Engineering College Library  




About ABES Library

The Central Library functions as the primary information resource centre, and repository of all printed and e-resources for teaching and research activities at the institute. Apart from textbooks and recommended reading material prescribed for each course offered at the institute, the library houses a growing collection of research monographs, reports, multi-volume reference works, dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, and so on. The library facilitates access to a number of journals through its participation in consortia, such as INDEST. The library also subscribes to several e-journals directly from publishers as well as through reputed subscription agencies.  The library operations are automated using KOHA software. The Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) enables library users know their checkout status, issue history. Users can place online reservations, browse for new additions of books, journals subscribed. A separate e-resources section is provided in the library to browse e-journals & e-books.



Cinque Terre

Cinque Terre

Our Values


To take the ABES Engineering College to such a level that it is an equal partner of the other leading institutions of the world to provide leadership to the international education system and is rated as one of the top world institutions which produces world class competent and dedicated technical and managerial human resource embedded in the traditional indian values and positive attitudes.


To create an ambience for healthy teaching-learning process. To nurture the students and infuse in them. a passion to excel professionally. a spirit to be of ulmost use of the industry, corporate sector and the society at large. an intense desire to take challenging responsibilities and leadership roles. a craving to be wholesome good human beings. to develop an environment for creating new knowledge through research and by thriving to explore innovative ideas.


Right book to right user, to right time provide in right way for healthy culture of faculty, staff & students.To serve as valuable knowledge for faculties, and students. To provide the useful resource repository for all academic activities of the library. To provide a congenial & wholesome academic environment. To provide a healthy culture for faculty, staff &student. To motivate all the teachers for full participation with passion. To develop an intense desire in the student to acquire comprehensive education. To become a useful & confident human for industry & academia


  • E-Resources
  • E-Books

  • Library Resources
  • Last updated: 17/01/2025


    What we have created


    Reference Section

    Yes, We built in library

    New York

    Digital Library

    San Francisco

    Book-Bank Section

    Yes, We built in library

    College Campus

    Reference Services


    AICTE News

    AKTU News

    UGC & HRD News

    ABES News


    You Can Downlod

  • Book-Bank Requisition Form
  • Book-Bank Requisition Form
  • Book Requisition Form

    Magazines/Journals Requisition Form

    Library Memberspip Form


    Contact us: Librarian

    Ghaziabad UP

    +01207135148, Ext: 148

    Mail to: librarian@abes.ac.in