S.No. Discription Available
    1. Library committee for students Library Advisory Committee (LAC)

    * Total area of the library (in Sq. Mts.) 1384 sq. mts.

    * Reading space (in m2) 400 sq. m.

    * Total seating capacity) 250 in library

    * Number of users (issue/return book) per day 145 Per day usage (Report of working days of January to June month 2023)

    * Number of users (reading space) per day 198 Users per day (Report of working days of January to June month 2023)

    * Number of Library staff 08

    * Number of library staff with a degree in Library Management 04

    * Circulation of books (computerized) Issue/ return of barcoded books through Library software (KOHA)

    * Working hours (working days & holidays) Working day, - 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM, Weekend & Vacation:- 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (during sessional & university exam.)

    * OPAC (Online Public Access catalogue Online catalogue of books search through library management software KOHA

    * Web opac

    * Electronic resource (E- Journals) 1. IEEE-ASPP (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers- All-Society Periodicals Package. 2. DELNET-(Developing Library Network) 3. Institute of Engineers Online Journals

    * Library website

    * Library automation Library management software KOHA

    * Institutional repository Research publications of ABES, Confrence Procceedings

    * Reference resources Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Reference books (with one copy each of important text book) English Literature,Competition books & magazines, Privious year question papers of university

    * Library books Volumes -112334, Titles - 8026

    * E-Journals 1224

    * E-books 8074

    * Print Journals N/A

    * Magazines 14

    * News Papers 09

    * Reprography, Scanning & Printing facility Available

    * Multimedia PCs 30 PCs

    * Videos Lectures NPTL

    * Institutional Membership (1) (IEI) Institution of Engineers India (2) (NDLI) National Digital Library of India

    * News Cliping Educational news

    * CCTV Camera Available

    * Wi Fi bandwidth connection 1 Gbps

    * Availability bandwidth of Intranet connection 1 Gbps

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