Video Lectures




S.No Acc.No. Author Title:Subtitle Time
1 VC-1 Ray S.C.Dutta Introduction to Electronic Circuits :Introduction to 50 min.
      The Course & Basic Electrical Quantities  
2 VC-2 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits :RLC Components ,,
      Energy Considerations Xources & Circuit Laws.  
3 VC-3 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits :KCL,KVL and ,,
      Network Analysis  
4 VC-4 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits :Network Theorem ,,
      (Thevenin's & Norton's)  
5 VC-5 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits Source Transform- ,,
      ation Superposition Theorem & Non Linear one - ports  
6 VC-6 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits :Signal Waveforms ,,
7 VC-7 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits : Periodic Wavefor- ,,
      ms & Elements of Amplifiers  
8 VC-8 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits : Operational ,,
      Amplifiers & Diodes  
9 VC-9 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits :Rectifiers & Power ,,
10 VC-10 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits : Wave shaping ,,
11 VC-11 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits : More of wave ,,
      Shaping Circuits & Introduction to Natural Response  
      of Circuits  
12 VC-12 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits :Natural Response ,,
      ( Contd)  
13 VC-13 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits :Natural Response ,,
      of 2nd order Circuits  
14 VC-14 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits :Natural Response ,,
      of 2nd order Circuits (Contd)  
15 VC-15 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits : Impedance ,,
      Ecenctions poles Zeros & their Applications  
16 VC-16 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits: Natural Response ,,
      & Introduction to forced Response  
17 VC-17 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits : Phasors & Their ,,
      Applications in AC Circuit Analysis.  
18 VC-18 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits :More about ,,
      phasors & Introduction to Complete Response  
19 VC-19 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits :Complete ,,
      Response of Electrical Circuits  
20 VC-20 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits :AC Circuits ,,
21 VC-21 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits :Filter Circuits & ,,
22 VC-22 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits : Resonance ,,
23 VC-23 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits :General Network ,,
24 VC-24 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits :Two part Networks ,,
25 VC-25 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits : Semiconductor  
26 VC-26 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits : Semiconductor ,,
      physics (Contd)  
27 VC-27 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits : More about diodes ,,
      including Zener Diodes  
28 VC-28 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits : Bipolar Junction ,,
29 VC-29 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits : Transistor Chara- ,,
      cteristics & Biasing  
30 VC-30 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits : BJT Biasing & Intro ,,
      duction to power  Amplifiers.  
31 VC-31 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits : BJT Power Ampli- ,,
32 VC-32 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits :Power Amplifiers ,,
33 VC-33 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits :More of Power ,,
      Amplifiers & an Introduction to small Signal Modelling  
      of BJT  
34 VC-34 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits : Small Signal ,,
      models & small signal Amplifiers  
35 VC-35 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits : Small Signal ,,
      Amplifiers (Contd)  
36 VC-36 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits :Small Signal ,,
      Amplifiers (Contd)  
37 VC-37 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits : Small Signal ,,
      Amplifiers & Feed back  
38 VC-38 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits : Negative Feedback ,,
39 VC-39 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits : Digital Circuits. ,,
40 VC-40 ,, Introduction to Electronic Circuits : Digital Circuits ,,
41 VC-41 ,, Computer Architecture : Introduction to The Course ,,
42 VC-42 ,, Computer Architecture : Historical Perspective ,,
43 VC-43 ,, Computer Architecture : Performance ,,
44 VC-44 ,, Computer Architecture : Machine Language & Instruc. ,,
45 VC-45 ,, Computer Architecture : Machine Language & Instruction. ,,
46 VC-46 ,, Computer Architecture : Procedure/subroutines is ,,
      Assembly Language.  
47 VC-47 Kumar Anshul Computer Architecture : Procedure call conventions  
48 VC-48 ,, Computer Architecture : Alternative to MIPS Approach ,,
49 VC-49 ,, Computer Architecture : Alternative to MIPS Approach ,,
50 VC-50 ,, Computer Architecture : Instructions set & performance ,,
51 VC-51 ,, Computer Architecture : Number Representation and ,,
52 VC-52 ,, Computer Architecture : Arithmatic & Logical Operations ,,
53 VC-53 ,, Computer Architecture : Arithmatic & Logical Operations ,,
      ( Contd)  
54 VC-54 ,, Computer Architecture : Constructing an ALU ,,
55 VC-55 ,, Computer Architecture : Constructing an ALU ,,
56 VC-56 ,, Computer Architecture : Solutions to minor test=1 ,,
57 VC-57 ,, Computer Architecture : Constructing an ALU (Contd) ,,
58 VC-58 ,, Computer Architecture : Carry look Ahead Multiplication ,,
      & Division.  
59 VC-59 ,, Computer Architecture : Multiplication & Division ,,
60 VC-60 ,, Computer Architecture : Multiplication & Division (Contd) ,,
61 VC-61 ,, Computer Architecture : Signed Division. ,,
62 VC-62 ,, Computer Architecture : Floating  point Numbers ,,
63 VC-63 ,, Computer Architecture : Floating  point Arithmatic contd ,,
64 VC-64 ,, Computer Architecture : Floating point Arithematic Contd ,,
65 VC-65 ,, Computer Architecture : Floating point Arithematic Contd ,,
66 VC-66 ,, Computer Architecture : Minor test 2nd Answers (contd) ,,
67 VC-67 Kumar Anshul Computer Architecture : CPU Design ,,
68 VC-68 ,, Computer Architecture : CPU  Design (Contd) ,,
69 VC-69 ,, Computer Architecture : CPU Design Control ,,
70 VC-70 ,, Computer Architecture : CPU Design :Multi-cycle Imple- ,,
71 VC-71 ,, Computer Architecture : CPU Design (Multi-cycle) Contd ,,
72 VC-72 ,, Computer Architecture : Micro Programmed Control ,,
73 VC-73 ,, Computer Architecture : Input Output ,,
74 VC-74 ,, Computer Architecture : Input Output  (Contd) ,,
75 VC-75 ,, Computer Architecture : Memory Organisation ,,
76 VC-76   Computer Architecture : Memory Hierarchy   
77 VC-77 ,, Computer Architecture : Memory Hicrarchy address ,,
78 VC-78 ,, Computer Architecture : Conclusion. ,,
79 VC-79 ,, Signals & Systems : Introduction to the Course & Basic ,,
80 VC-80 ,, Signals & Systems : Signals & their Transformation ,,
81 VC-81 ,, Signals & Systems : Elementary Signals in the discrete ,,
      time Domain  
82 VC-82 ,, Signals & Systems :Characterisation of Systems ,,
83 VC-83 ,, Signals & Systems : Basic Concepts of Linear time ,,
      Invariant Systems  
84 VC-84 ,, Signals & Systems : Convolution Invertibility Causality & ,,
85 VC-85 ,, Signals & Systems : Stability Unit step Response and ,,
      Differential Equations.  
86 VC-86 Ray S.C.Dutta Signals & Systems : Systems Described by differential ,,
      & different Equations.  
87 VC-87 ,, Signals & Systems : Fourier & his Series ,,
88 VC-88 ,, Signals & Systems : More about fourier series (with un ,,
      comfortable Questions)  
89 VC-89 ,, Signal & System : Those Uncomfortable Questions about ,,
      the Existence of the fourier series & some more  
90 VC-90 ,, Signals & Systems : Introduction to fourier Transform ,,
91 VC-91 ,, Signals & Systems : Fourier Transforms & fourier trans- ,,
      form properties.  
92 VC-92 ,, Signals & Systems : More properties of fourier Transfo- ,,
93 VC-93 ,, Signals & systems : Anatomy of a class test & a ,,
      Continued look at the properties of F.T.  
94 VC-94 ,, Signals & Systems : Modulation, Convolution & other ,,
      Interesting properties of F.T  
95 VC-95 ,, Signals & Systems : A Duper look at the modulation ,,
      Property of F.T  
96 VC-96 ,, Signals & Systems : Fourier Analysis of Discrete time ,,
      signals & systems - The Beginning.  
97 VC-97 ,, Signals & Systems : More about the fourier transform ,,
      of discrete time signals.  
98 VC-98 ,, Signals & Systems : Solutions to minor test 1.problems ,,
      & a further look into the properties of D.T.F.T  
99 VC-99 ,, Signals & Systems : Convolution, modulation & other ,,
      properties of D.T.F.T  
100 VC-100 ,, Signals & Systems : Farewell to discrete time fourier ,,
      transform & Introduction to sampling.  
101 VC-101 ,, Signals & Systems : More about sampling ,,
102 VC-102 ,, Signals & Systems : Introduction to Laplace transform ,,
103 VC-103 ,, Signals & Systems : Region of Convergence of laplace ,,
      transform & properties of Laplace transform  
104 VC-104 ,, Signals & Systems : Properties of laplace transform ,,
105 VC-105 ,, Signals & Systems : Concluding discussion on laplace ,,
106 VC-106 ,, Signals & Systems : Introduction to Z transform. ,,
107 VC-107 ,, Signals & Systems : Properties of Z Transform ,,
108 VC-108 ,, Signals & Systems : Further Discussion on Properties ,,
      of Z Transform.  
109 VC-109 ,, Signals & Systems : Solutions to Minor test-2 & Conclu- ,,
      ding discussion on Z transform.  
110 VC-110 ,, Signals & Systems : Introduction to Random signals & ,,
111 VC-111 ,, Signals & Systems : Probability functions. ,,
112 VC-112 ,, Signals & Systems : Solutions to minor test 2 & more ,,
      about PDF& pdf  
113 VC-113 ,, Signals & Systems : Some more about PDF's pdf's ,,
114 VC-114 ,, Signals & Systems : Classification of random processes ,,
      & Introduction to correlation functions.  
115 VC-115 ,, Signals & Systems : More about correlation functions. ,,
116 VC-116 ,, Signals & Systems : More about correlation functions. ,,
      and their properties.  
117 VC-117 ,, Signals & Systems : Introduction to spectral density. ,,
118 VC-118 ,, Signals & Systems : More about spectral density. ,,
119 VC-119 ,, Signals & Systems : Response of Linear systems to ,,
      random input.  
120 VC-120 ,, Signals & Systems : Frequency domain analysis of LTI ,,
      systems exited by random input.  
121 VC-121 Murthy S.S D.C. Machines : Introduction. ,,
122 VC-122 ,, D.C.Principles of operarion of DC machines ,,
123 VC-123 ,, D.C. Machines :Armature Windings ,,
124 VC-124 ,, D.C. Machines :Lap & Wave windings ,,
125 VC-125 ,, D.C. Machines :Wave winding ,,
126 VC-126 ,, D.C. Machines : Field Excitatiion in D.C. machines ,,
127 VC-127 ,, D.C. Machines : Characteristics of D.C Machines ,,
128 VC-128 ,, D.C. Machines : Speed control of D.C Motors ,,
129 VC-129 ,, D.C. Machines :Speed control of D.C series Motor ,,
130 VC-130 ,, D.C. Machines : Starting of D.C Motors ,,
131 VC-131 ,, D.C. Machines :Losses & efficiency D.C. machine ,,
132 VC-132 ,, D.C. Machines : Testing of D.C. Motors ,,
133 VC-133 Dubhashi D.P. Mathematics for Information Technology: Introduction ,,
134 VC-134 ,, Mathematics for Information Technology: Codes ,,
135 VC-135 ,, Mathematics for Information Technology: Review of codes ,,
136 VC-136 ,, Mathematics for Information Technology: Codes Entropy ,,
137 VC-137 ,, Mathematics for Information Technology : Back to the ,,
      Future recurrences  
138 VC-138 ,, Mathematics for IT : Fibonacci numbers : wrapping up ,,
139 VC-139 ,, Mathematics for IT : Graphs & their uses. ,,
140 VC-140 ,, Mathematics for IT : Large Independent sets. ,,
141 VC-141 ,, Mathematics for IT : Independent sets: Edge cover. ,,
142 VC-142 ,, Mathematics for IT : Bipartite Graphs ,,
143 VC-143 ,, Mathematics for IT : Matching in Bipartite Graphs ,,
144 VC-144 ,, Mathematics for IT : Activities & Parties, ,,
145 VC-145 ,, Mathematics for IT :Ramsey's parties ,,
146 VC-146 Murthy S.S Electrical Machines Part -1 20 Min.
147 VC-147 ,, Electrical Machines Part -2 20 Min.
148 VC-148 Kumar Veena Dynamics of English speech 20 Min.
149 CD-CL_149   Learn to Speak English Essentials-1  
150 CD-CL_150   Learn to Speak English Essentials-2  
151 CD-151 Garg Naveen Data Structures and Algorithms : Introduction  
152 CD-152 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms : Stacks  
153 CD-153 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Queues & Linked Lists  
154 CD-154 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms : Dictionaries  
155 CD-155 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Hashing  
156 CD-156 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Trees  
157 CD-157 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Trees (Cont.)  
158 CD-158 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Ordered Dictionaries  
159 CD-159 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Deletion  
160 CD-160 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Quick Sort  
161 CD-161 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:AVL Trees  
162 CD-162 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:AVL Trees(Cont.)  
163 CD-163 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:(2,4) Trees  
164 CD-164 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms: Real Black Trees  
165 CD-165 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Insertion in Red Black Trees  
166 CD-166 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Disk based Data Structure  
167 CD-167 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Case Study  
168 CD-168 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Tries  
169 CD-169 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Data Com-Presion  
170 CD-170 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Priority Queues  
171 CD-171 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Binary Heaps  
172 CD-172 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Sorting  
173 CD-173 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:More Sorting  
174 CD-174 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Graphs  
175 CD-175 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Data Structure ture for graph  
176 CD-176 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Two App.of breath first search  
177 CD-177 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Depth first search(DFS)  
178 CD-178 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Application of DFS  
179 CD-179 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:DFS Direction graphs  
180 CD-180 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Appl.of DFS Direct graphs  
181 CD-181 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Minimum Spaning Trees  
182 CD-182 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Union first data structure  
183 CD-183 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Prim.Algorithms for Min. Spaning  
184 CD-184 ,, Data Structures and AlgorithmsSingle source shortest paths  
185 CD-185 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Correction of Diglatore`s Algoeithms  
186 CD-186 ,, Data Structures and Algorithms:Sigle Source Shortest Paths  

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